Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Volkswagen free essay sample

Different forms of communication. In these two sections I am going to identify the four different forms of communication and later on I am going to describe them all briefly. Pl) Identify different forms of communication. Verbal Communication Non-verbal communication Written communication Technological aids MI) Describe different forms of communication. Verbal communication: Verbal communication is when one make use of a spoken language to show his or her opinion or simply Just to communicate with others. Verbal communication has a wide range of purposes. The most obvious function is that verbal communication is the main procedure when it comes to communicate with others. Also the purpose of verbal communication is to show one needs, desires, and ideas but above all it serves in the course of teaching and learning. Apart from all the purposes mentioned above, verbal communication can be used to form better relationship and building relationships with others. Non-verbal communication: Nonverbal communication refers to the actions that one make to communicate with others apart from the obvious ones like speaking or writing. We will write a custom essay sample on Volkswagen or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This form of communication includes: facial expressions, body anguage (hand movement, head movement), eye contact, proximity, posture, appearance, signs, symbols and pictures. It can be more efficient and sometimes more than verbal communication. Body language is all the body movements that one makes to express his or her feelings. This include how one stands, the way that someone is walking or simply Just the way one moves can give signs of how we are feeling. Another type of non-verbal communication is gestures. Hand movement, facial expression, head movement and even body postures are all gestures. Signs, symbols and pictures can be some sort of work in progress in the streets. Another important type of non-verbal communication is the use of sign language. This type is very useful to those who have hearing problems for example, someone deaf can use lip reading or hand signals to communicate with others. Even more there are those actions which we do them involuntary, we Just do them automatically which show how we are feeling, for example: when someone is has a slumped posture it shows sadness. Written communication: This form of communication means a lot in todays life. Writing is more effective and formal than speech because writing is something permanent while speech is something that when it is said it can be orgotten. Even more writing can serve as a proof on something or someone or Just it can be records about a patient or some medicines. Written communication can be practiced in any business sector, for example in the health and social care area. When someone is using written communication as his way of communication he needs to know how to include the right choice of words, write sentences in the correct Technological aids: In this present day technology is advancing a lot and we have many technologic aids that we can use to communicate with others. We have mobile phones to send text messages to someone and we can even call hem. Apart from this computers help us to communication even worldwide with others or save some information. Technologic aids can help disabled person to communicate more freely without being reliant on others, for example nowadays in movies one can choose to enable subtitles so that one can understand better the movie. Another good example is the voice box which was invented by Professor Stephen Hawking which can convert small movements into speech. (Sian Lavers, Helen Lancaster, Howarth Elizabeth,Higgins Heather, 2010) From these two sections one can notice how people can interact with each other in ifferent forms of way. One can even know if someone is really interested in what he is saying or not.

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